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Privacy Policy

Helping Clients Create the Future
Privacy Policy

Ahdus Certified compliant in Integrity , Confidentiality and Availability This policy has been updated to protect personal data in accordance with requirements set forth in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which took effect on May 25, 2018. This privacy policy applies to the processing of personal information by Ahdus visitors and suppliers and business partners and their representatives.

Ahdus is always honoured to give its users right to privacy and protection of your personal data. Ahdus protects your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and our data privacy policies.

Ahdus obtains information from our interactions during direct conversations, email , telephone or interaction with our sites. Information about you that Ahdus might collect and process is only your Name, Email address and contact numbers. Ahdus strictly uses the personal information only to respond on request/enquires to Ahdus .

Ahdus has taken appropriate measures to protect personal information against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, unauthorised disclosure. Ahdus has appointed Data protection Officer. If you believe that your personal data is not used as per the privacy policy you can please write an email to Info@Ahdus