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COVID 19 And Beyond

Employee Management

How do we work? COVID 19 and beyond!

Ahdus provides you with essential solutions using Salesforce® technologies designed to help businesses reopen the workplace as quickly as possible while helping to keep employees, customers, partners, and communities safe and informed during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

This will be broken up into three phases:


Different businesses, industries, and geographies will operate at different paces. Even within a company, it is possible for a department or region to be within its own track. Some industries could already be on their way to growth.

The fundamental change we will have to make is “How do we work?” and the faster we implement and adapt to that change will determine our growth. The focus areas will be in

  • Employee Wellness tracking and support
  • Collaboration and Internal communications
  • Increased Productivity
  • Upskilling and reskilling

In a physically connected world, we take a lot of employee care, management, and development operations for granted. Even companies and managers who don’t can do with some help with managing these processes efficiently using technology.

However, in COVID times, there is a need to have tighter controls and frequent periodic reviews. This is ideally essential at all times COVID or no COVID.

Therefore we believe, this is the best time to implement improved work and employee management processes as these processes that are put in place now will become the foundations of the operations for time to come

Employee care, development and performance management

Depending on the priorities of the organization one could take on these projects for in any specific order and for a cross-section of employees to start with. The solutions we have put together enable you to get this implemented fast, at scale and at affordable costs.

Employee Wellness Tracking

Securely survey and assess employee health to determine suitability for returning to work and being at work

Contact tracking:

Manually track health-related interactions to safely and securely minimize the spread of COVID-19

Employee Development and Performance management

Enable your employees to set effective and agile personal, professional, and company goals. Give instant feedback on the task done to achieve these goals and have meaningful conversations. Give you and your managers the visibility you need to impact performance and development through regular and guided coaching conversations. Frequent and periodic reviews are the need of the hour and let us not wait only for annual appraisals to get done.

Learning Management:

Creating a library of information on topics of interest. Creating a learning trailhead with scoring.

Employee Collaboration:

Chat on topics via posts or via one on one conversations or in closed groups, private groups or public groups

Social Impact Initiatives:

Streamline volunteering and grants management for social initiatives

Add custom solutions quickly based on your specific requirement and adapt to these new working norms.

Drop us an email to get a conversation going